These designs were created to utilize the compact lot dimensions for residential infill in communities around Florida. Shipping containers were selected based on their affordable, mobile and sustainable qualities.
Containers are laid out in a way to utilize the spaces left between the containers and minimize the need for conventional construction and create an estimated 9% cost savings over conventional concrete block construction. The container modules will be prefabricated off site, therefore on site construction will be minimal consisting of basic aluminum frame construction.
Our affordable multifamily housing prototype consists of 50 mixed size units totaling 43,500 square feet. The focus is on increasing the supply of affordable housing in Florida cities with units situated close to jobs, amenities, public transportation and services.
The design represents a prototype that can be adapted to a typical block in many cities, approximately 2.0 acres. The design was created for a recently completed feasibility study that found the shipping container concept to be cost-competitive with conventionally built housing using reinforced concrete block with wood floor and roof trusses. The project features a mix of unit types ranging from 320 square foot efficiencies to 1280 square foot 3 bedroom, 2 bath units.